Activity 1215
Count up to 10 items in a group
Activity 1216
Compare 2 objects placed side by side and indicate size difference
Activity 1219
Use real-life materials (e.g., apples or crayons) to add and subtract 1 from a group of objects and indicate how many are now present
Activity 1220
Reliably counts forwards or backwards in a game to 6
Activity 1221
Make simple estimate of number in set 0 to 10 and then counts to check
Activity 1222
Divides a large set of items equally between a small group
Activity 1223
Finds total number in 2 groups by counting all of them
Activity 1226
Match and sort coins of different values
Activity 1228
Estimate “how many will fit in”, in practical situations and check answers
Activity 1230
Knows names of days of the week
Activity 1231
Identifies weekend day names
Activity 1233
Makes simple alternate patterns using found objects
Activity 1237
Recognise patterns in the environment and copy them
Activity 1238
Copies a more advanced pattern using real life materials eg apple,apple orange.
Activity 1239
Identify first and last one in a row
Activity 1241
Reads a simple block graph to identify which of 2 columns has more/ less