Activity 2254
Understands the vocabulary ‘man’and ‘woman’
Activity 2255
Responds to ‘which’ questions.
Activity 2257
Understands the vocabulary ‘boy’ and ‘girl’.
Activity 2290
Understands and follows four word instructions.
Activity 2324
Understands yours and mine.
Activity 2382
Responds to simple questions with one word, given choice of two options.
Activity 2383
Responds to two-key-word instructions
Activity 2444
Takes turns in 1-1 turn taking game with an adult prompt
Activity 2445
Show recognition of 5 familiar words
Activity 2447
Attends to an interaction with another person
Activity 2448
Anticipation of favoured activity when given cue.
Activity 2451
Understands and responds to 5+ familiar nouns in routines
Activity 2452
Understands and responds to 3-5-familiar verbs in routines
Activity 2453
Recognises own photograph/identifier from choice of 2
Activity 2997
Reacts to speech/song/touch of adult
Activity 2998
Responds to 2+ very familiar cues to favoured activities