Activity 3020
Respond differently to familiar people
Activity 3021
Show different reactions to different people
Activity 3022
Gives brief eye contact or attention.
Activity 3023
Reacts to peers sounds/ movements/ touch/ closeness
Activity 3024
Use facial expression/ gesture in response to interaction.
Activity 3025
Understand some gestures in context.
Activity 3026
React when basic needs met
Activity 3027
Communicates needs in variety of ways
Activity 3028
Discriminates sensory properties to show consistent likes/dislikes
Activity 3029
Non verbally/ non symbolically communicates refusal.
Activity 3030
After pause in favoured activity non symbolically shows they would like more
Activity 3031
Communicates simple choices using intentional non symbolic communication
Activity 3032
Anticipates they will have a turn at routine turn taking time
Activity 3036
Understands humour.
Activity 3042
Uses phonic understanding to make an attempt at simple regular words
Activity 3044
Copy writes name and surname