Activity 2677
Uses spaces between words
Activity 2800
Says a single sound for 10+ graphemes
Activity 2801
Reads words by blending sounds from known graphemes with support from adult
Activity 2803
Demonstrates comprehension of shared story by answering a ‘what is s/he doing’ question
Activity 2804
Reads some regularly occurring print on an iPad App or computer eg “start”
Activity 2805
Identifies 15 letter shapes
Activity 2810
Says a single sound for 20+ graphemes
Activity 2811
Reads accurately by blending the sounds in words with 2 and 3 known graphemes
Activity 2814
After listening to familiar story responds to questions that require simple recall
Activity 2856
Use gone and all gone
Activity 2857
Holds books the correct way up and turns pages to read to self or other
Activity 2858
Browses non-fiction books and identifies subject
Activity 2860
Completes sentences with rhyming word, when simple poetry read to them.
Activity 2861
Recites a short poem with a group using own preferred means of communication
Activity 2862
Make up their own sentences and say them aloud, after discussion with the teacher
Activity 2863
Identifies items in the illustrations of a book