Activity 2447
Attends to an interaction with another person
Activity 2448
Anticipation of favoured activity when given cue.
Activity 2449
Initiate social interactions
Activity 2450
Simple negation e.g. rejects some things
Activity 2451
Understands and responds to 5+ familiar nouns in routines
Activity 2452
Understands and responds to 3-5-familiar verbs in routines
Activity 2453
Recognises own photograph/identifier from choice of 2
Activity 2472
Explores own ways of making needs known
Activity 2483
After listening to familiar story recounts a short sequence of events eg sequence images or objects.
Activity 2506
Reads at least 10 key words by sight
Activity 2507
Matches same letters in range of fonts
Activity 2508
Blends 3 phonemes spoken to them slowly to make a CVC rhyming word eg H..A..T
Activity 2509
Identifies from a choice of 3 letters which initial sound is used in an alliterative phrase.
Activity 2510
Demonstrates comprehension of shared story by answering a where is.. question
Activity 2511
After hearing a story 1-1, answers ‘who is’ questions. Using their preferred mode of communication
Activity 2512
Demonstrates comprehension of shared story by answering a ‘what is..’ question