Activity 1383
Find 6 things that are magnetic and 6 things that are not and record the results.
Activity 1384
Tests light sources and makes comments on findings.
Activity 1386
Create a simple battery powered circuit with help
Activity 1390
Recognise and name main external parts of the body .
Activity 1392
Matches natural item to different 3 natural environments e.g. shell to beach.
Activity 1393
Identifies 3 common materials e.g. wood, glass, plastic.
Activity 1394
Test 4 materials for purpose in relation to one another? Identify the best one.
Activity 1395
Describe changes to a material in a test.
Activity 1397
Knows how to make water change from liquid to solid and vice versa
Activity 1399
Suggests actions to perform on objects to test them.
Activity 1400
Makes a simple block graph to show results
Activity 1403
Make a test fair
Activity 1566
Awareness that dinosaurs no longer live on the earth.
Activity 1754
Role play- put animals in habitats in play situation.
Activity 2210
Pulls objects to make them move
Activity 2212
Knows that leaves are found on plants and trees