Activity 1359
Know the sun gives light and heat during the day.
Activity 1360
Use vocabulary slow and fast and stop, moving and go.
Activity 1363
Identify light sources
Activity 1365
Match 4 animals to global habitat.
Activity 1366
Ask questions about animals.
Activity 1367
Match ears, nose, mouth and eyes to sense.
Activity 1369
Identify some similarities and differences between varieties of plants and flowers.
Activity 1370
Select appropriate material for a simple task
Activity 1372
Makes a simple prediction of a change of material e.g. what happens
Activity 1373
Keep a weather chart/diary.
Activity 1374
Predicts what will happen when some materials are heated or cooled
Activity 1377
Knows how to use hand lenses and egg timers.
Activity 1378
Tells whether their prediction was right.
Activity 1379
Ask a range of questions related to scientific activities.
Activity 1381
Understands why soil needs worms
Activity 1382
Identify how people would travel to the moon