Activity 1315
Make an object/item stop and start deliberately on command.
Activity 1316
Identifies items that reflect light.
Activity 1317
Makes loud and quiet sounds in imitation.
Activity 1318
Selects appropriate electrical appliance for a task. and uses eg hoover to clean,DVD player.
Activity 1319
Create mini beast habitats .
Activity 1320
Identifies where familiar creatures may be found.
Activity 1322
Uses and understands ‘grow’
Activity 1323
Recognise self as part of family.
Activity 1324
Investigate and understand plants need water and light to keep alive
Activity 1325
Test and identify 4 things that you can do with paper
Activity 1326
Sequences before and after evidence of materials changing e.g. making paper, fabric, metal wet
Activity 1327
Make a change to a material and communicate that they observe the change eg ice to water
Activity 1328
Select appropriate /item clothing from choice of 2 for specific weather.
Activity 1329
Sequences 2 pictures of before and after of heating and cooling of material
Activity 1330
Experiment placing items on to a boat to make it sink and identify moment it sinks
Activity 1332
Sorts by clear very distinct features