Activity 1275
Imitate animal sounds with voice or switch
Activity 1276
Use parts of body for different actions eg hands to touch, feet to kick
Activity 1277
Experience a variety of voices from different people.
Activity 1278
Explores seeds
Activity 1279
Attends jointly to adult and object.
Activity 1280
Actively explore materials with interest e.g. scrunch foil
Activity 1281
Participate with 1-1 in experiences that cause things to change
Activity 1282
Experience the weather changing during a day
Activity 1283
Explore solids and liquids actively.
Activity 1284
Experiences now and next board with 1-1 support
Activity 1285
Moves head/eyes to visually/audibly explore.
Activity 1286
Reaches out to touch or move things
Activity 1287
Shows anticipation of favoured activity when given cue
Activity 1288
Responds using similar action or sound to a repeated word or action.
Activity 1290
Use simple equipment with support eg scales, magnifiers
Activity 1291
Discriminates a round shape from a star shape