Activity 2391
Identifies legs on some mini beasts and identifies some minibeasts with no legs
Activity 2392
Names 8 items from nature
Activity 2393
Match six animals to their young.
Activity 2394
Match four animals to global habitat.
Activity 2395
Identify some similarities and differences between varieties of tree.
Activity 2396
Understand why some animals can survive in different habitats e.g. camels in desert, penguin in water and land.
Activity 2397
Identify main parts of a tree e.g. roots, leaves, stem.
Activity 2398
Identify main parts of a plant e.g. roots, leaves, stem.
Activity 2399
Knows that fruit and vegetables are good to eat.
Activity 2400
Sequence four stages of a plant growing.
Activity 2401
Identifies 3 different types of animal tracks
Activity 2454
Explores bulbs
Activity 2455
Explores leaves
Activity 2456
Explores roots and corms
Activity 2460
Increase body awareness
Activity 3138
Identifies and names 5 common mammals.