Activity 2346
Copies a square or rectangle
Activity 2347
Traces some 2D shapes
Activity 2348
Identifies some 3D shaped items by name from choice of two e.g. ball, tube or box
Activity 2350
Understand the vocabulary corner and edge in relation to shape
Activity 2352
Copies or makes ball and cylinder shapes
Activity 2353
Selects specific 2D and 3D shapes in picture building and construction
Activity 2356
Completes a simple shape sorter
Activity 2357
Completes complex shape sorter
Activity 2799
Explores sets of different items
Activity 2995
Fixes attention on a stimuli
Activity 2996
Matches two identical representations
Activity 3109
Sorts objects according to a stated characteristic e.g. sorts triangles and squares
Activity 951
Understands different
Activity 962
Uses 2D shapes to play/ create
Activity 977
Understands same