Activity 1168
Picks out basic 2D shapes and matches them to shapes in pictures
Activity 1169
Copies a simple repeating pattern using real life materials.
Activity 1174
Understands inside and outside
Activity 1198
Matches 2D shapes: kite or diamond, star and oval
Activity 1201
Continues a more advanced pattern using real life materials e apple, orange apple.
Activity 1203
Uses 2D shapes to make a simple pattern
Activity 1204
Identify the odd one out in a row of shapes
Activity 1211
Confident sorting and matching using a variety of items
Activity 1233
Makes simple alternate patterns using found objects
Activity 1237
Recognise patterns in the environment and copy them
Activity 1238
Copies a more advanced pattern using real life materials eg apple,apple orange.
Activity 1343
Copies simple structures of 3 or 4 items.
Activity 1681
Responds to questions using simple mathematical vocabulary related to shape.
Activity 1792
Continues simple repeating pattern using real life materials e.g. apple
Activity 2338
Handles and experiences 2D flat shapes
Activity 2339
Handles and experiences 3D shapes