Activity 1172
Sorts groups of big and small items when the difference is not great.
Activity 1174
Understands inside and outside
Activity 1175
Places items in and out of containers on request
Activity 1176
Conducts a simple survey and uses tally marks to collect results with support
Activity 1177
Records answers to a simple question survey of 2 choices
Activity 1178
Records number in a set or collection using pictures/ symbols/ items.
Activity 1179
Finds solution to simple problem eg finds missing part/item
Activity 1180
Follows directional instruction to find items
Activity 1181
Join in rote count to 10
Activity 1182
Count objects to 5 reliably
Activity 1183
Recognise numerals to 5
Activity 1184
Match numerals to 5 to corresponding set
Activity 1186
Knows items can be counted in any order and it comes to the same amount
Activity 1187
Know how to add one item to a set
Activity 1188
Use more, less/fewer to describe difference in 2 sets
Activity 1189
Can take one away from a set