Activity 1128
Goes shopping and knows has to exchange money for goods.
Activity 1130
Selects big items from a choice of big or small.
Activity 1131
Can identify the heavy item using balance scales
Activity 1132
Identifies the full or empty container.
Activity 1133
Shows an understanding of ‘before ‘and ‘after’
Activity 1134
Shows an understanding of ‘now’ ‘next’ and ‘later’
Activity 1136
Names some common 2D shapes from pictures of shapes
Activity 1138
Knows and uses same and different in different contexts
Activity 1139
Find matching pair from a collection
Activity 1140
Matches pairs of patterned objects or pictures
Activity 1141
Copies two actions in sequence
Activity 1142
Plays in and out games using containers
Activity 1143
Follows an arrow symbol or pointer
Activity 1144
Knows where to look for familiar things in class
Activity 1147
Works out simple solutions to practical tasks.
Activity 1149
Understands 1-1 correspondence pairing items to objects in a range of contexts