Activity 1109
Sort objects by type
Activity 1111
Directs or finds own way to familiar area of school
Activity 1113
Arranges groups of identical items in different ways
Activity 1114
Uses trial and error to explore fitting objects together, not necessarily completing task
Activity 1115
Uses symbols or pictures to chart weather with support
Activity 1117
Joins in saying number name in number rhyme or song
Activity 1118
Knows when to join in with an action in a song
Activity 1119
Knows lots or many is more than two
Activity 1120
Can indicate understanding of number names 1 and 2.
Activity 1121
Identifies 1 item
Activity 1122
Indicates 2 items
Activity 1123
Knows each item receives only one number in a count
Activity 1124
Indicates a set of 1 item from 3 sets with different numbers of items
Activity 1125
Indicates a set of 2 items from 3+ sets of different numbers
Activity 1126
Indicates a set of lots/many
Activity 1127
Demonstrates understanding of word ‘share’ with one other person