Activity 1073
Actively explores object by touch on own for up to 1-2 minutes
Activity 1074
Moves in response to strong sound beat but may not be in time.
Activity 1075
Consistently prefers specific colour of lights
Activity 1076
Moves objects to create groups or bundles.
Activity 1077
Sorts basic 2D and everyday shapes that are exactly the same.
Activity 1078
Relates shape to everyday objects.
Activity 1079
Takes part in turn taking games in small group of up to 4 with 1-1
Activity 1080
Makes simple toy work
Activity 1081
Awareness of items or people to the side of them
Activity 1082
Anticipation on identification of landmark on way to activity
Activity 1083
Explores sets of different items
Activity 1084
Persists at a task beyond first attempt
Activity 1085
Actively takes part in counting activities/ rhymes
Activity 1086
Allow an adult to count their fingers in counting game
Activity 1088
Aware that gone or none means they are all gone in a counting song
Activity 1089
Notices when a quantity alters significantly