Activity 1057
Actively explores 2 things
Activity 1058
Uses ‘gone’ and all gone
Activity 1059
Attention shift from 1 item to another moving head
Activity 1060
Anticipates vanished item will reappear eg jack in box
Activity 1061
Explores cutting/tearing with variety of materials
Activity 1062
Exchanges items with an adult i.e. giving and receiving games
Activity 1063
Explores creating structures of different sizes with 1-1
Activity 1064
Explores different sized items
Activity 1065
Experiences things altering in size or weight
Activity 1066
Handles range of containers in play situations
Activity 1067
Shows anticipation of favoured activity when given cue .
Activity 1068
Looks forward to a favourite activity when it is highlighted to them
Activity 1069
Experiences now and next board with 1-1 support
Activity 1070
Explores properties of shapes in play
Activity 1071
Uses fingers to feel edges of shapes or items with 1-1 support
Activity 1072
Non-specific joining of things in play/art.