Activity 1039
Shows more interest in pattern than plain visual or tactile object
Activity 1040
Experiences environments of light and colour
Activity 1041
Explore range of materials.
Activity 1042
Explore items that are the same
Activity 1043
Responds when a second item is presented to them
Activity 1044
Co-actively explores 1 thing
Activity 1046
Experiences different body positions
Activity 1048
Understands ‘up’ and ‘down’
Activity 1049
Increases body movement when an activity is placed near them
Activity 1050
Makes things move
Activity 1051
Responds to being given a cue on arrival at activity place
Activity 1052
Attention shift from adult to object with verbal or physical prompts
Activity 1053
Attention shift to each object in counting song as adult identifies it
Activity 1054
Maintains hold on two items simultaneously
Activity 1055
Experiences listening to number names in song and rhyme
Activity 1056
Attention shift to each object as it is highlighted