Activity 3054
Identifies face of a 3D shape
Activity 3055
Identifies the edges of a 3D shape
Activity 3056
identifies that faces of a 3D shape meet at a corner or point
Activity 3057
Sorts 3D shapes into types e.g. cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders
Activity 3058
Identifies that 3D shapes can have a round /curved or flat face or side
Activity 3059
Picks out a few 3D shapes from description
Activity 3061
Relates 2D shape to the face of 3D shape
Activity 3109
Sorts objects according to a stated characteristic e.g. sorts triangles and squares
Activity 3318
Compares the size of items when the difference is not great
Activity 3359
Uses everyday language related to time- today, yesterday , tomorrow.
Activity 895
Continue count from small number given up to 10
Activity 896
Consistent counting of objects to 3
Activity 921
Understands and uses a dice, recognising number of dots on the face.
Activity 935
Use ordinal numbers in practical situations
Activity 951
Understands different
Activity 954
Uses and understands simple time vocabulary eg hour, month