Activity 2838
Watches and takes part in creating a tally with an adult
Activity 2839
Sorts and quantifies sets according to a criteria using a Venn diagram
Activity 2853
Explores sets of items that are the same
Activity 2881
Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of transaction
Activity 2882
Identifies the big or small object from a selection of two
Activity 2883
Graduates sets of different sizes and uses big, bigger, biggest to describe.
Activity 2897
Compares weight of objects using language heavy, heavier and light, lighter
Activity 2991
Looks from one item to another moving head
Activity 2992
Anticipates the end of a familiar sequence
Activity 2993
Distinguishes between one and lots when shown one item and a group
Activity 2995
Fixes attention on a stimuli
Activity 2996
Matches two identical representations
Activity 3050
Names basic 2D shapes: Square, rectangle, triangle, circle
Activity 3051
Finds 2D shapes with the same number of sides
Activity 3052
Identifies the corners of a 2D shape
Activity 3053
Finds spheres/balls of various sizes from a set of various shapes