Activity 2465
Fixes attention on a stimuli
Activity 2545
Can count on from a given number within 15.
Activity 2546
Write or copy the numbers 0-5.
Activity 2547
Recognises numerals 0-5
Activity 2552
Know the number that is one more than a number up to 10.
Activity 2553
Complete number bonds to ten when given part of the sum.
Activity 2557
Understands the words more, more than and add
Activity 2558
Can add items to a set to make a total of 5.
Activity 2559
Understands the words, less, less than, take away
Activity 2561
Counts forwards and backwards to 10-0.
Activity 2562
Identify missing number in number line to 5.
Activity 2563
Create sets and name from 11-15
Activity 2564
Can compare two numbers to 15 identifying greater or lesser with apparatus.
Activity 2565
Count sets of up to 15 items
Activity 2582
Order numerals to 5
Activity 2591
Can make and use representation of number bonds to 5