Activity 1163
Makes size comparisons between items and uses ‘ bigger’ and ‘smaller’
Activity 1164
Compares weight of objects using heavier and lighter when difference significant
Activity 1166
Recalls main activities of week / weekend/ holidays
Activity 1172
Sorts groups of big and small items when the difference is not great.
Activity 1191
Plays games with different value coins with support.
Activity 1192
Graduate sets of different sizes big bigger biggest.
Activity 1193
Describe difference between objects using comparative terms of height and length
Activity 1196
Orders and sequences more than 3 familiar events
Activity 1200
Compares items by size when the difference is marked
Activity 1216
Compare 2 objects placed side by side and indicate size difference
Activity 1226
Match and sort coins of different values
Activity 1228
Estimate “how many will fit in”, in practical situations and check answers
Activity 1230
Knows names of days of the week
Activity 1231
Identifies weekend day names
Activity 1579
Understands that a clock tells the time
Activity 2725
Follows own timetable for the day.