Activity 1092
Identifies money is exchanged for items with a familiar game of shopping
Activity 1093
Explores feel, size shape and materials of coins
Activity 1094
Sorts big and small items when the difference marked with support.
Activity 1095
Sorts long and short items when the difference is marked with support.
Activity 1096
Places or indicates where to place items in balance scales
Activity 1097
Fills and empties containers with support if needed
Activity 1098
Anticipates next step within very familiar activity
Activity 1099
Anticipate a significant part in a song/ rhyme or story
Activity 1128
Goes shopping and knows has to exchange money for goods.
Activity 1130
Selects big items from a choice of big or small.
Activity 1131
Can identify the heavy item using balance scales
Activity 1132
Identifies the full or empty container.
Activity 1133
Shows an understanding of ‘before ‘and ‘after’
Activity 1134
Shows an understanding of ‘now’ ‘next’ and ‘later’
Activity 1161
Knows that different goods cost different amounts
Activity 1162
Matches coins to pictures/ photos of, or actual coins