Activity 1684
Enjoys sharing a book with an adult adding own simple contributions e.g. vocalisations..
Activity 1700
Actively engages in computer/i pad story eg vocalises
Activity 1701
Respond to specific dramatic parts of a story.
Activity 1702
Create simple two word phrase about a book.
Activity 1703
Sequence three pictures from a story.
Activity 1707
Shows anticipation of what is going to happen in a familiar story.
Activity 1710
Listens to a story /tape for five minutes and can identify an item from story from choice of two.
Activity 1713
Say what they like/dislike about a story
Activity 1718
From a prompt communicates an element of a story or event.
Activity 1721
Recognise favourite character in a story.
Activity 1722
Tells story in own way to audience.
Activity 1724
Creates two word phrase about an object in a book.
Activity 1725
Selects photos/symbols to make a topic based book.
Activity 1726
Join in with predictable phrases or refrains
Activity 1735
Creates own 2 word phrase to describe images for personalised book
Activity 1748
Makes up a story using picture clues.