Activity 1728
Can read at least two of their peers names.
Activity 1729
Reads few familiar words/ symbols in a story book.
Activity 1730
Selects few words/ symbols related to a story.
Activity 1731
Match 10 + letters.
Activity 1732
Match 3+ short words.
Activity 1733
Sequence a 3 symbols sentence.
Activity 1734
Picks out familiar word in text.
Activity 1735
Creates own 2 word phrase to describe images for personalised book
Activity 1737
Follow 1 line of text left to right.
Activity 1738
Offers rhyming word in simple rhyming game.
Activity 1739
Matches a few initial significant letters to sounds.
Activity 1740
Fills in missing words from familiar rhymes or songs.
Activity 1741
Differentiates between one and two beat rhythm patterns
Activity 1742
Beat simple rhythm for adult to copy
Activity 1743
Matches a few phonic alliteration/rhyme actions to letter shapes.
Activity 1747
Points to ‘word’ and ‘picture’ and ‘symbol’ on request.