Activity 1707
Shows anticipation of what is going to happen in a familiar story.
Activity 1708
Indicate they would like to read a favourite story.
Activity 1710
Listens to a story /tape for five minutes and can identify an item from story from choice of two.
Activity 1712
Selects words and appropriate images to create few pages of personalised book
Activity 1713
Say what they like/dislike about a story
Activity 1716
Join In with some actions or repeat words/rhymes /phrases when prompted
Activity 1718
From a prompt communicates an element of a story or event.
Activity 1719
Shares personal experiences
Activity 1720
Chooses a computer/i pad story to share from choice of three
Activity 1721
Recognise favourite character in a story.
Activity 1722
Tells story in own way to audience.
Activity 1723
Identifies at least 3 social signs or labels.
Activity 1724
Creates two word phrase about an object in a book.
Activity 1725
Selects photos/symbols to make a topic based book.
Activity 1726
Join in with predictable phrases or refrains
Activity 1727
Can find their name from a selection of names with same inital letter .