Activity 1661
Learnt response to familiar story/poem at the appropriate time.
Activity 1663
Requests a familiar book by gesture, signing, vocalization or signing.
Activity 1665
Use an auditory input on cue in story when given a prompt
Activity 1666
Listens to own vocalisations.
Activity 1669
Responds to own name called.
Activity 1670
Attend to a few familiar phonic or alliteration rhymes.
Activity 1672
Chooses a favourite story from choice of 2 or 3.
Activity 1673
Anticipate repetitive words of story and joins in.
Activity 1674
Knows which is the front cover of a book.
Activity 1675
Finds printed words or symbols in the environment.
Activity 1677
Attempts to tell self story using pictures/vocalisations/puppets etc.
Activity 1678
Identifies picture/tactile clue of main character of story from a choice of three.
Activity 1680
Listens and responds to familiar short stories showing comprehension of a few words.
Activity 1682
Knows that pages of books need to be turned to tell a story.
Activity 1684
Enjoys sharing a book with an adult adding own simple contributions e.g. vocalisations..
Activity 1685
Helps to make and use own personalised books.