Activity 1739
Matches a few initial significant letters to sounds.
Activity 1740
Fills in missing words from familiar rhymes or songs.
Activity 1741
Differentiates between one and two beat rhythm patterns
Activity 1742
Beat simple rhythm for adult to copy
Activity 1743
Matches a few phonic alliteration/rhyme actions to letter shapes.
Activity 1747
Points to ‘word’ and ‘picture’ and ‘symbol’ on request.
Activity 1748
Makes up a story using picture clues.
Activity 1749
Offers ideas about what could happen next in a story.
Activity 1750
Indicates need to turn a page.
Activity 1751
Sequences 3 images for personalised book
Activity 1752
Listen to new short story and recall some events.
Activity 1753
Retell a short story using props cooperatively with a friend.
Activity 1755
Follows more than one line of text left to right.
Activity 1756
Follows text top to bottom.
Activity 1757
Fills in a missing word of a familiar narrative text.
Activity 1758
Finds basic information from books or computers.