Activity 1722
Tells story in own way to audience.
Activity 1723
Identifies at least 3 social signs or labels.
Activity 1724
Creates two word phrase about an object in a book.
Activity 1725
Selects photos/symbols to make a topic based book.
Activity 1726
Join in with predictable phrases or refrains
Activity 1727
Can find their name from a selection of names with same inital letter .
Activity 1728
Can read at least two of their peers names.
Activity 1729
Reads few familiar words/ symbols in a story book.
Activity 1730
Selects few words/ symbols related to a story.
Activity 1731
Match 10 + letters.
Activity 1732
Match 3+ short words.
Activity 1733
Sequence a 3 symbols sentence.
Activity 1734
Picks out familiar word in text.
Activity 1735
Creates own 2 word phrase to describe images for personalised book
Activity 1737
Follow 1 line of text left to right.
Activity 1738
Offers rhyming word in simple rhyming game.