Activity 1641
Enjoys peers reactions to stories
Activity 1642
Relaxes when hears a familiar story
Activity 1643
Joint attention on story telling media with story teller
Activity 1644
Engage with story teller
Activity 1645
Reacts to vibrations.
Activity 1646
Show reactions to different types of music
Activity 1647
Explore sound making with adults.
Activity 1648
Begins to be aware of different sounds.
Activity 1649
Reacts to sound
Activity 1650
Shows a reaction to pictures/sound on computer/i pad.
Activity 1651
Maintain concentration on a story in a small group of children
Activity 1653
Makes some faces/gestures in imitation to respond to dramatic parts of the story.
Activity 1654
Joint partnership with storyteller to add some sounds/actions to the story
Activity 1655
From two relevant options selects item to add to image in personalised book.
Activity 1656
Shows interest for a short time eg 30 seconds, when stories are told to them
Activity 1658
Share attention on book or story 1-1 with adult for 5 minutes.