Activity 1321
Indicate correctly pictures of objects or characters in response to simple questions.
Activity 1371
Uses ‘my’ correctly.
Activity 1471
Uses the language ‘big’ and ‘small’ to describe items with a marked difference in size
Activity 1543
Uses language in more than 2 different ways e.g. to ask question, to give information etc.
Activity 1557
Uses adjectives in short phrase
Activity 1568
Uses possessives
Activity 1573
Consistent communication for 5+ everyday nouns in different situations
Activity 1601
Communicates two elements of their address
Activity 1618
Understands two key-word questions about a story.
Activity 1633
Shows wonder as fantasy story media presented
Activity 1634
With 1-1 adds a picture/texture to a page on a home made book
Activity 1636
Reacts when familiar voice/song STOPS.
Activity 1637
Responds to a sensory story.
Activity 1638
Responds to a sensory rhyme
Activity 1639
Attends more to rhyme/alliteration than everyday speech.
Activity 1640
Uses specific vocalisations/ gestures/ facial expression in response to a familiar story in imitation.