Activity 973
Responds and follows three word instructions in familiar commands.
Activity 974
Relates a few adjectives to familiar activities and objects e.g. hot to cooker/ drink
Activity 978
Uses language to describe past events.
Activity 979
Uses limited vocabulary to generalize.
Activity 980
Creates 3+ word phrases using words/ signs/symbols.
Activity 981
Use ‘and’ between two nouns
Activity 982
Greets familiar and unfamiliar people appropriately.
Activity 983
Independently initiate telling important events to others and maintains conversation.
Activity 985
Waits turn to contribute information to small group discussion
Activity 986
Adds own ideas to topic of conversation
Activity 987
Uses humour.
Activity 988
Able to express likes and dislikes using a short sentence.
Activity 989
Recognises an element of their address
Activity 990
Recalls past events.
Activity 991
Creates a 3 word//sign/symbol phrase to recall an event.
Activity 992
Use 3+ word phrase/symbol to describe item/ person