Activity 2952
Gains and maintains the attention of the listener
Activity 2953
Stays on topic in a conversation
Activity 2954
Extends vocabulary e.g. using categorisation.
Activity 2977
Turn takes in conversation
Activity 2997
Reacts to speech/song/touch of adult
Activity 2998
Responds to 2+ very familiar cues to favoured activities
Activity 3000
Uses intentional non-symbolic communication e.g. eye-pointing towards wanted object; pushing things away to reject them
Activity 3001
Shows consistent preference
Activity 3002
Responds to familiar language
Activity 3003
Understands a request which includes a list of 3 items
Activity 3004
Understands a sentence containing two unrelated commands
Activity 3005
Understands the past when compared to the future
Activity 3006
Listens and responds to other ideas.
Activity 3017
Participate in vocalisations with encouragement
Activity 3018
Experience changes in voices of adults
Activity 3019
Participate in greetings with encouragement