Activity 2540
Able to read 10 familiar words
Activity 2544
identifies something that happens at the end of a familiar short story
Activity 2641
Forms fifteen or more upper case letters correctly
Activity 2642
Tells peers what their writing is about.
Activity 2643
Reads back written work of more than a 3 word sentence.
Activity 2644
Identify or write 20+ graphemes on hearing the corresponding phonemes
Activity 2645
Writes a short message on a card independently.
Activity 2646
Makes an independent attempt at a short sentence
Activity 2647
Starts a sentence with a capital letter.
Activity 2670
Identify or write 10 + graphemes on hearing corresponding phonemes.
Activity 2671
Composes a short sentence orally or on a communication aid and then produce it in written form
Activity 2672
Uses a capital letter for ‘I’
Activity 2673
Segments CVC words with known graphemes and phonemes into sounds and writes them
Activity 2674
Creates a useful list of 8 items.
Activity 2675
Identifies 10 letter shapes.
Activity 2676
Associates 15 letter shapes with mnemonics