Activity 1108
Understands ‘him’ and ‘her’
Activity 1112
Understands opposite concepts: above and below.
Activity 1135
Uses facial expressions in role play .
Activity 1146
Combine simple words, signs or symbols to make short phrases
Activity 1151
Consistent use of plurals.
Activity 1167
Uses 4 word sentences spontaneously.
Activity 1170
Contributes 1 piece of information for a story to be built around
Activity 1197
Understands that a story can be represented by a picture,symbol or an object.
Activity 1202
Understands and uses ‘me’, ‘I’ and ‘you’
Activity 1212
Understands ‘behind’ and ‘in front’
Activity 1214
Continues a rhyming string.
Activity 1224
Understands ‘yours and ‘ours’
Activity 1292
Communicate things they like and don’t like using symbolic communication or words
Activity 1294
Communicative turn taking in a small group
Activity 1297
Role play to retell a story and contribute own ideas to group.
Activity 1302
Understands in, on and under