Activity 2431
Imitate slight variations to own vocalisations after adult modelling.
Activity 2432
Intentional act to gain adult’s attention
Activity 2433
Engage in social interaction games
Activity 2434
Indicate key people when asked to
Activity 2435
Spontaneous greetings using own style of communication
Activity 2436
Makes fleeting eye contact during a close interaction
Activity 2437
Use reaching and pointing to convey needs
Activity 2438
Uses some conventional gestures
Activity 2439
Share attention
Activity 2440
Intentional non-symbolic communication to ask for things
Activity 2441
Intentional communication to make choice from 2 items presented simultaneously.
Activity 2442
Uses symbolic communication to ask for familiar items not present from a choice of 2.
Activity 2443
Intentional communication to make clear choice from 3 options
Activity 2444
Takes turns in 1-1 turn taking game with an adult prompt
Activity 2445
Show recognition of 5 familiar words
Activity 2446
Respond to adult pointing in a direction