Activity 1779
Spots when the adult reads the wrong word in a familiar text
Activity 1780
Is aware if a character is happy, sad ,scared or cross.
Activity 1781
Responds to questions in a guided reading session with 2 peers.
Activity 1787
Claps or beats the syllables in their name.
Activity 1789
Identifies 5 initial letters of words in a book.
Activity 1790
Finds item with name that starts with given letter sound.
Activity 1791
Suggests a word for an alliterative phrase
Activity 1793
Segments sounds in simple words and begins to blend.
Activity 1794
Creates an appropriate sound at right moment in story.
Activity 1867
Enjoys mark making in different textures eg sand, clay
Activity 1868
Watches the mark maker make marks
Activity 1869
Bangs mark maker on surface
Activity 1870
Makes random marks .
Activity 1871
Enjoys mark making using different surfaces
Activity 1872
Uses pincer grip
Activity 1873
Maintains grasp on mark maker