Activity 903
Intentional symbolic greeting of familiar people when symbols/ switch close to them
Activity 904
Knows to join in when routine activity starts with a greeting
Activity 905
Spontaneously waves/communicates goodbye appropriately
Activity 906
Take turns in a 1-1 conversation with sounds or words, pausing and then listening as appropriate
Activity 908
Follow turn taking of conversation between people
Activity 909
Clearly communicates yes / no
Activity 910
Consistently uses 10+ symbolic communication system words that look like items they represent
Activity 912
Consistently uses ‘more’ or ‘again ‘ using symbolic communication
Activity 913
Consistently use ‘no more’ or ‘finished’ using symbolic communication
Activity 914
Asks for a chosen activity or item given a prompt.
Activity 925
Vocabulary of over 50 +words
Activity 926
Creates a two word/sign/symbol phrase
Activity 927
Recognises and uses 3+ symbols or signs for verbs.
Activity 928
Blend two syllables to make words
Activity 932
Known two-word phrases used to initiate conversation in familiar setting
Activity 933
Takes part in adult and child short phrase interaction