Activity 5475
Intentional non-symbolic communication to show likes
Activity 5476
Respond to adult pointing in a direction
Activity 5477
Use gone and all gone
Activity 5478
Use some conventional gestures
Activity 5479
Imitate two vocalisations
Activity 5480
Intentional communication to make choice from two items presented simultaneously
Activity 5481
Intentional act to gain adults attention
Activity 5482
Share attention.
Activity 5483
Use 5+ symbolic communication system words expressively
Activity 5484
Use symbolic communication to ask for familiar items not present from a choice of two
Activity 5485
Imitate slight variations to own vocalisations after adult modelling
Activity 5486
Intentional communication to make clear choice from three options
Activity 5487
Interest in making vocalisations
Activity 5488
Simple negation e.g. rejects some things.
Activity 5489
Use own way of communication to express themselves
Activity 5490
Indicate key people when asked to