Activity 5457
Explore own ways of making needs known
Activity 5458
React when basic needs met
Activity 5459
Respond to own name with prompt
Activity 5460
Anticipate they will have a turn at routine turn taking time
Activity 5461
Participate in greetings with encouragement
Activity 5462
Make fleeting eye contact during a close interaction
Activity 5463
Respond differently to familiar people
Activity 5464
Communicate simple choices using intentional non symbolic communication
Activity 5466
Participate in vocalisations with encouragement
Activity 5467
Non verbally/ non symbolically communicate refusal
Activity 5468
Communicate needs in variety of ways
Activity 5469
Experience changes in voice of adult
Activity 5470
React to peers sounds/ movements/ touch/ closeness
Activity 5472
Understand some gesture in context
Activity 5473
Engage in social interaction games
Activity 5474
Initiate social interactions