Activity 5062
Join in activities that involve moving in different directions
Activity 5096
Experience things altering in size or weight
Activity 5097
Explore creating structures of different sizes with one:one support
Activity 5098
Explore different sized items
Activity 5099
Exchange items with an adult i.e. giving and receiving games
Activity 5100
Experience now and next board with one:one support
Activity 5102
Show anticipation of favoured activity when given cue
Activity 5103
Take part in turn taking games in small group of up to four with one:one support
Activity 5104
Handle range of containers in play situations
Activity 5105
Actively explore two things
Activity 5107
Shift attention from adult to object with verbal or physical prompts
Activity 5108
Persist at a task beyond first attempt
Activity 5109
Shift attention to each object as it is highlighted
Activity 5111
Shift attention to each object in counting song as adult identifies it
Activity 5112
Experience listening to number names in song and rhyme
Activity 5113
Anticipate vanished item will reappear e.g. Jack in box