Activity 5842
Respond differently to tactile sensory input from different materials
Activity 5846
Experience a range of different weather
Activity 5847
Explore a variety of rocks, stones and pebbles with support
Activity 5848
Show an awareness of dark changing to light and vice versa
Activity 5849
Encounter and respond to solids changing to liquids or vice-versa
Activity 5850
Experience properties of water
Activity 5851
Use two hands to hold and explore things
Activity 5852
Co-actively reach out to make things move
Activity 5854
Briefly track motivating moving stimulus
Activity 5855
Experience making some mini beast movements or body shapes, with support
Activity 5856
Experience a variety of voices from different people
Activity 5857
Explore roots and corms
Activity 5858
Explore pet care equipment
Activity 5859
Explore seeds
Activity 5860
Imitate animal sounds with voice or switch
Activity 5861
Explore bulbs.