Activity 5803
Happy to play with others close for three+ minutes
Activity 5804
Clearly communicate a need and stops when need is met
Activity 5805
Recognise that they are the centre of attention eg singing happy birthday to them
Activity 5806
Recognise clear photo/ item related to self when presented with choice of two
Activity 5807
Actively seek or ask for own security items when needs them
Activity 5808
Recognise the word/sign/symbols for toilet in context
Activity 5809
Identify next step in very familiar care routines
Activity 5811
Can identify some of own belongings when given a choice of two
Activity 5812
Know functional use of two very familiar objects and responds when shown them
Activity 5813
Know function of some familiar areas in school when taken there
Activity 5814
Respond to familiar landmarks in school or local environment
Activity 5817
Enjoy joining in some group story telling or play activities with
Activity 5818
Attempt to get close or indicates a desire to get physically close to a peer
Activity 5819
Show recognition of a few familiar adults
Activity 5820
Sometimes show reaction when joining a group activity alongside peers
Activity 5821
Will respond with gesture or vocalisation to simple questions