Activity 5785
Tolerate and aware of intimate care needs
Activity 5788
Attend a special celebration
Activity 5789
Recognise and responds to familiar people
Activity 5790
Respond to peers
Activity 5791
Positively respond to being physically close to a familiar peer
Activity 5792
React to own name called/identifier shown in familiar one:one activity
Activity 5793
Make action or sounds to actively encourage a peers attention
Activity 5794
Indicate they want to remain in close contact with a peer
Activity 5795
Follow body movements of an adult when in close contact e.g. rocking together
Activity 5796
Show anticipation when waiting for activity
Activity 5797
Focus on a story of a significant event to the pupil
Activity 5798
Attend intermittently to whole school appropriate and familiar celebration
Activity 5799
Explore items with hands (or mouth)
Activity 5800
Co-operate with shared exploration
Activity 5801
Change attention when reward is activated
Activity 5802
Happy to be alone with a toy or activity for one minute