Activity 5529
Select item to add to image in personalised book from two relevant options
Activity 5530
Maintain concentration on a story in a small group of children
Activity 5531
Joint partnership with storyteller to add some sounds or actions to the story
Activity 5532
Show interest for a short time e.g. 30 seconds, when stories are told to them
Activity 5533
Listen to own vocalisations
Activity 5534
Recognise own photograph-identifier from choice of two
Activity 5535
Maintain attention on a book for approximately two minutes in one:one situation
Activity 5537
Use an auditory input on cue in a story with a prompt
Activity 5538
Request a familiar book by gesture, signing or vocalisation
Activity 5540
Share attention on book, one:one with adult
Activity 5541
Recognise a familiar story as it is told
Activity 5542
Respond to own name