Activity 5114
Explore sets of items that are the same
Activity 5115
Shift attention from one item to another, moving head
Activity 5116
Maintain a hold on two items simultaneously
Activity 5118
Explore cutting or tearing with variety materials with support
Activity 5119
Use gone, all gone
Activity 5120
Show anticipation on identification of landmark on way to activity
Activity 5121
Show awareness of items or people to the side of them
Activity 5122
Non-specific joining of things in play/ art.
Activity 5123
Use fingers to feel edges of shapes or items with one:one support
Activity 5125
Explore properties of shapes in play
Activity 5126
Explore sets of different items
Activity 5127
Make simple toy work
Activity 5129
Move objects to create groups or bundles
Activity 5131
Move in response to strong sound beat but may not be in time