Send Inspire was created by some teachers with a particular focus on SEND and over 60 years combined teaching experience in the Special Education Needs Sector.
Their mission was to help teachers and in doing so help to inspire the best outcome for children with complex, layered needs.
Send Inspire was created to :
- Help teachers save time (often huge amounts of time) .
- Help record keeping.
- Help teaching assistants deliver a teacher written activity that was relevant for each child’s needs.
- Help the children themselves and deliver a better educational outcome for them.
The original product providing a combination of record keeping and activity sheets for schools continues to run and has attracted both single schools and whole academy groups. Through this process of liaison with schools we were asked to also provide access just to the activity sheets which is where this website comes in.
Our mission is to help teachers access and download the right activity sheets for their children’s needs and to do so as quickly as possible. In this way, we hope to both help teachers prepare for lessons and save time. Our central aim is to help to improve outcomes for children.